'4 Key Steps to Release Stress & Embrace Inner Peace'

Learn how to build Inner Strength and Self-Care Habits in EASY & ACHIEVABLE ways that guarantee less stress, more energy, and more joy, even when you feel your most overwhelmed!

❓ Are you lacking clear focus and low in energy during the day?

❓ Do you feel less productive instead of more proactive during work meetings?

❓Working on auto pilot and feeling unmotivated?

Here is what you'll learn:

🎯 Experience A POWERFUL self-awareness exercise and understand exactly where you need to improve to feel a CALM and FOCUSSED energy state.

🎯 Assess what causes your inner peace leaks to help you connect with your inner strength so that you KNOW a work-life balance is easily achievable for you.

🎯Learn 4 SIMPLE STEPS you can take today to TRANSFORM your daily routine inside and outside of work and bring more peace and joy to most hectic days.

Whom For:

For high performing individuals who want to further their career or rediscover meaning in their current lifestyle but:

🔎 already feel overwhelmed most of the time and so make poor decisions that may be damaging their reputation

🔎 struggles to say “no” to unnecessary commitments and so can’t find time for exercise, nutritious food and quality sleep

🔎 worries about how their current stressful lifestyle is impacting their performance at work, their relationships and their overall health and wellbeing

🌟 About your Host 🌟

Nuala supports women in building their inner strength and self-care habits to move forward in life with revived energy and inner peace.

She guides her clients using her unique “4 Steps to Inner Peace” method that helps driven women rediscover their balance and enjoy a life rich in health, meaning and joy.

👉 During the training you will also receive a bonus - my “4 Key Steps to Release Stress & Embrace Peace Workbook ”.

Presented by

Nuala McCann
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach, Mindfulness Teacher & Nutritionist

June 8, 2022
7:00pm Greenwich Mean Time

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